Brazil: globalized vs. state capitalism

The end of millennium looked like a triumph of  “free world” over totalitarianism  and dictatorship, like a victory of globalized, open path capitalism over communist planned economies.  The point, that results of this victory are enjoyed mainly by eastern European oligarchs and some CIA officials, is not interesting to anyone in this world. Some people […]

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Information about Brazil

General Information  Brazil is the largest country in South America, located in the central and eastern parts of the continent. The length of the land border is about 16 thousand kilometers., Eastern border is over 7.4 thousand km; country is surrounded by theAtlantic Ocean.Brazil’s area is 8.5 million square km. According to the U.S. Census […]

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How to Get Rid of Financial Crisis Globally

There are rumors: if anyone offers recipe how to get rid of financial crisis now and in future, he gets Nobel Prize. Of course this post can not be qualified for Nobel Prize selection (unless you press “like” and recommend it to your friends 🙂 ). Probably because it contains just few hundreds  words, comparing […]

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Why leave your country and relocate to Brazil – 2

Relocate Brazil: Political Aspects Voices which are warning about rise of totalitarianism in the world are getting louder and louder.  Yet, in addition to “traditional” sources and targets for such voices, we see reports about decrease of personal freedom in such “traditionally” free countries as US, Great Britain, Australia. Police states The term “police state” […]

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Why leave your country and relocate to Brazil

Relocate Brazil: Economical Aspects Mass media, especially those, not controlled by governments or oligarchs, are full with pessimistic scenarios for developed countries. Probably most of us are aware of government debts, property bubbles or budget deficits. We are so aware, that 99%  of such information is stored somewhere in our brains together with new movie […]

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Brazilian carnival is forever

Brazilian carnival is a  great festival held forty-six days before Easter. Its  origins are debated intensively. Some say history of carnavals lasts  10.000 years before Christ, when people  wearing masks, and having their bodies painted and dolled up, performed ritual dances celebrating spring, new life… whatever…  Others recall Egyptian  Goddess Hertsa,  Roman/Greek Saturnalias and Lupercalias. […]

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Relocate to Brazil, South America

If you ask citizen of developed country, which option is the best to relocate Brazil would be on top. An  interview with international investor Doug Casey who has picked Salta County in Argentina (same latitude as Praia do Silveira in Brazil) as his favorite place on earth to live. You can as well substitute Argentina […]

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Crisis is coming…

    Ups… it’s here ! It is not only increasingly difficult to find a decent return on your investments, under conditions of slowing and shriking „no growth“ economy, it is increasingly difficult just to maintain the value of your investments. Famed hedge fund manager John Paulson, who’s best known for personally making over $5 […]

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Top reasons to buy property in Brazil

 1.Positive outlook on economy and real estate market despite of depression elsewhere.   Brazil also survived Great Depression of 1930-s much easier than other countries. 2. Brazil is very foreign-investment friendly. Foreigners can own 100% of the property (a few exceptions may be there) and in property dealings the law of the land puts them […]

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