How to open a bank checking account in Brazil

 A checking account is a day-to-day account, in which you can deposit or withdraw money. Every bank in Brazil has its own specific procedures for opening an account, but here are some basic steps which serve for all of them. To have an account it is necessary to actually go to a Brazilian bank. It’s […]

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Opening a company in Brazil

  Opening a company in Brazil can be extremely complicated and takes a lot of time. We strongly advise to outsource this service. Anyway, here’s brief description. General information Brazilian rules and regulations are old and resrictive: it takes  up to 152 days to start doing business in Brazil and 43 documents must be presented, […]

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CPF – Cadastro de Pessoa Física

The Brazilian Taxpayer Registry (Cadastro de Pessoa Física), known as CPF, is a database administrated by the Federal Revenue, that stores information of its registered people. Each  person is registered with an unique and permanent number, required  if individual is: Subject to annual income declaration for the Income Tax payment Subject to inheritance Independent professional, […]

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